Rachelyn (aka Comically Unstructured) is a multi-faceted superhero, masking as an artist, standing up for the quirky, weird, and comically unstructured. Her unique journey of self-discovery has allowed her to unleash her superpowers of illustration, design, and storytelling. Alike many superhero stories, she had to make the choice to fight for evil or for good, and while the dark side was calling her, she defeated that inner darkness and set out to only use her art as a force for good. Rachelyn is now settled in at her secret superhero hideout headquarters and is currently working on her, not so, secret plan to help others feel inspired, gain full strength, and use their superpowers to spread more good and fight the ultimate evil that is perpetuating this world.

Are you in on the mission? Feel free to reach out so we can see how to fight this darkness together. Currently open to commissions, freelance work, and art licensing agreements.



